Injury Incident Investigation

The main reason for investigating injury incidents is to prevent or reduce the potential for the recurrence of similar incidents. The supervisors should perform the following:

  • Start the investigation process as soon as possible.
  • Secure the incident scene immediately to ensure nobody else gets impacted and to preserve potential evidence.
  • Have all witnesses complete the Incident Witness Statement form.
  • Collect, record, and/or photograph all materials on the site of the incident that may be relevant to the investigation.
  • Consult with experts and gather additional records (i.e., inspection reports, maintenance reports, and prior incident reports).
  • Implement corrective action (s).
  • Complete the supervisor incident investigation report.

The affected employee and supervisor should work together, to identify and remediate the root cause(s) of the incident.

For more detailed information on the supervisor incident investigation process refer to the following links:

You can contact the EHS office at 704-687-1111 for assistance in completing the investigation.